Government General Degree College at Pedong


3 Years Undergraduations Syllabus
Chemistry View
English View
Geology View
History View
Mathematics View
Nepali View
Physics View
Political Science View
Sociology View


Choice-Based Credit System Syllabus
Chemistry View
English View
Geology View
History View
Mathematics View
Nepali View
Physics View
Political Science View
Sociology View
Environmental Studies View



Four Year Undergraduate Programme Syllabus
Chemistry (Major, Minor and SEC) View
English (Major, Minor and SEC) View
Geology (Major, Minor and SEC) View
History (Major, Minor and SEC) View
Mathematics (Major, Minor and SEC) View
Nepali (Major, Minor and SEC) View
Physics (Major, Minor and SEC) View
Political Science (Major, Minor and SEC) View
Sociology (Major, Minor and SEC) View
Alternative English (AEC) View
Communication English (AEC) View
Management of Libraries and Information Centres (MDC) View
History of North Bengal (MDC) View
Environmental Education (VAC) View
Understanding India (VAC) View


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