Government General Degree College at Pedong

National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit

The National Service Scheme Unit of the college formally came into existence in the year 2017. The unit is an added sphere to the higher education system so as to make the students contribute to the community with their service whilst learning from books and beyond. The unit aims to make the students understand the community they live, identify the problems that exist in their community while trying to solve them ensuring their active participation while they do so. The NSS unit also focuses on developing the social as well as civic responsibility amongst the students. This is put into action by performing regular activities like cleanliness drives, tree plantation, seminars and awareness programs and a special camp held every academic year for a span of one week at the adopted village where students engage in depth with the village community to improve and help the adopted village and its members.  The NSS unit looks forward to the view that by the end of their student career, the personality as well as character of the students will improve through their voluntary community services. The NSS unit of the college is headed by a trained NSS Program Officer, Dr Uden Bhutia who is an assistant professor of sociology in the college.

Our NSS Volunteer, Master Aryan Gurung was selected to participate in the  NSS National Integration Camp 2023 representing the North Bengal region along with other selected participants. The camp was held at Birla Institute of Technology, Patna from 25th February, 2023 to 3rd march 2023.


This year a group of approximately 60 volunteers participated in the special camp at our adopted village of Merong Gaon, Newang from 17.03.2024- 23.03.2-24 where they conducted and participated in various activities as follows:

  • Maintenance of S.S.K School.  (Painting the school, Replacing the broken doors)
  • Creation of Reading/ Learning space for Children.
  • An awareness program on Good Touch / Bad Touch for the students of SSK and children from the village.
  • A teaching on First Aid for the students and making of a first aid kit for the school.
  • Cleaning drive at the school and the village
  • Distribution of stationery and school uniforms.
  • Health Camp in collaboration with Pedong BPHC
  • Eye Check Up in collaboration with Pedong BPHC
  • Installing dustbins in the village.

The students were accompanied by the following professors:

Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Uden Bhutia Assistant Professor & NSS Programme Officer
2 Dr. Dipti Tamang Assistant Professor
3 Mr. Dipesh Lama Assistant Professor
4 Ms. Pema Jangmu Bhutia Assistant Professor



The NSS, IQAC and Bal Suraksha Abhiyan Kalimpong jointly organized a seminar on ‘Awareness on Human Trafficking and Early Marriage’ on 14.09.2023. The students were thoroughly made aware on issue of human trafficking and early marriage by the team from BSA, Kalimpong.

The NSS unit of the college hosted a poster making competition on the theme ‘Climate Change’ on 14.03.2024 where the students displayed their concern towards the environment with their art.

1st : Awas Rai

2nd : Richard Lepcha

3rd: SanitaSubba

Consolation prizes: Sophia Rai, Prajwal Pradhan



A documentary screening titled ‘Voices of Teesta’ by Minket Lepcha was held on 16.03.2024 in order to raise awareness on environmental crisis. In the second session of the same program, the delivering of message on behalf of and as sent by Minket Lepcha maam was delivered by Dr.Dipti Tamang, Department of Pol. Sc and followed by a writing exercise for all the students where they expressed their views on ‘Water’.




Our NSS volunteers participated in the NSS Yuva Sambad: India at 2047 held at Darjeeling Government College on 18.03.2024 where they spoke on the issues of ‘PanchPran’. The volunteers show cased excellent oratory skills and confidence.


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