Government General Degree College at Pedong

All students are required to visit the website and sign the affidavit without fail.


Anti Ragging Cell

The Anti-Ragging Cell at our college, established since its inception in 2015, stands as a vigilant guardian of student welfare and safety. Its primary objective is to create an environment where students can pursue higher education without encountering any form of harassment.

Committed to fostering the holistic development of students, the committee employs various proactive measures to ensure a ragging-free campus. Notably, the absence of any reported cases of ragging underscores the efficacy of these efforts.

To uphold its mandate, the Anti-Ragging Cell organizes regular awareness programs aimed at sensitizing students about the detrimental effects of ragging and promoting a culture of mutual respect and support. Additionally, during the admission process, students are required to submit anti-ragging declarations, reaffirming their commitment to maintaining a conducive learning environment.

The visual reinforcement of this commitment is evident through the placement of anti-ragging posters strategically across the college premises, serving as constant reminders of the institution's zero-tolerance policy towards ragging.

From the onset of their academic journey, students are explicitly briefed on the consequences of engaging in ragging activities, emphasizing the serious repercussions such behavior entails. Through these comprehensive measures, the Anti-Ragging Cell ensures that every student feels secure and valued, fostering an atmosphere conducive to academic excellence and personal growth.

In accordance with UGC Regulations, each student and parent must submit an online Anti-Ragging undertaking affidavit every academic year, affirming their non-involvement in ragging or any other violent behavior.

“Ragging is strictly prohibited in and around the campus.”

Students experiencing distress from ragging incidents can reach out to:

           The Officer-in-Charge

Government General Degree College at Pedong

          Contact No. 98324 73615


         Dr. Tamoghna Saha

Convenor, Anti Ragging Committee

        Contact No. 94344 55474



Anti Ragging Committee Members

Sl. No. Name Designation Position Contact No.
1  Dr. Tamoghna Saha  Assistant Professor  Convenor 9434455474
2 Mr. Himanish Roy College Librarian Member 9749331809
3 Dr. Uden Bhutia Assistant Professor Member 9749338237
4 Mr. Bapon Chandra Saha Assistant Professor Member 8900249719


Anti Ragging Awarness Week


For any other information regarding ragging, please visit the UGC website i.e.  and

Anti Ragging Poster: Click here

Link to Ragging/ Anti Ragging Videos: Click here

Anti Ragging Notice: 2022-2023

The Anti-Ragging Committee/Squad will be directed by:

Sl. No. Document Title Click to view/download
1    Summary of UGC Regulation view/download
2 Regulations on Curbing the Menace of ragging in HEI-2009 view/download


Sl. No. Document Title Click to view/download
1    Report Anti Ragging Committee view/download
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